Hiring Car Crash Attorneys on Maui: 7 Questions Lawyers Ask Their Clients

If you were involved in a car accident, looking for experienced car crash attorneys on Maui is one of the first things you should do after you’ve taken care of the immediacy of your injuries.

Choosing the right car accident lawyer is important and before hiring a professional to represent your best interests, there are a few questions you should ask them in order to get the most out of your consultation. Being prepared for a meeting will go a long way to choosing the best lawyer to handle your case.

However, car crash attorneys on Maui will have a few questions for you as well. If you’re looking to hire the right lawyer to represent you and to offer the best advice, here’s what you should be prepared to discuss in order to make sure you get the support you deserve.


Car crash attorneys on Maui will want to know: “When did the accident occur?”

The date and time of the accident make for two important details when building your case. Make sure you’re able to provide the necessary details about when the car accident occurred. Ideally, you’ll have the police report ready for the attorney to review, which should have these details and other crucial information listed.

“Could you walk me through what happened the day you were injured?”

The sooner you contact car crash lawyers on Maui or in your area, the better. Waiting too long to hire an lawyer may result in you forgetting important details about the crash. The more specific information and proof you can provide, the stronger your case.

“Were the police were called?”

Were the police called after the accident? Did they or did they not create a report? Although car crash attorneys on Maui will eventually obtain a copy of the police report (assuming a report was made), your answers can help them start building your case in the meantime. Sometimes, a police report is not ready by the time you consult with an attorney. If so, you’ll need to bring the policy report number with you so the attorney can get a copy of the report themselves.

“Can you tell me about your medical treatment?”

Car crash attorneys on Maui need to know when and where did you receive medical treatment and whether or not you needed to call an ambulance to get there. You should also provide details on any diagnostic tests performed at the hospital and the type of injures sustained, whether they are significant or minor. Attorneys will usually recommend a “pain journal” so you can keep track of your injuries and recovery.

“Did the other party admit fault?”

Although it rarely happens, the other party sometimes admits to being at fault. Sometimes it’s even in the police report! Having an official admission by the other driver that they’ve caused the accident is very helpful.

“Do you know if the at-fault driver had insurance?”

Most car crash attorneys on Maui will want to know right away if the other driver, or yourself, had insurance at the time of the crash. This question is crucial, because it can dictate the entirety of the case. If an at-fault driver does not have insurance, your attorney will then determine if other avenues of compensation are available, such as whether you had uninsured motorist’s coverage. If an at-fault driver does have insurance but it’s not enough to cover your damages, your attorney can help seek other sources of compensation.

If you don’t know the answer, it’s fine. Your attorney will know how to investigate and determine whether there is applicable insurance.

“Can you tell me about your own insurance?”

Knowing what kind of coverage you have is important, even if you are not the one responsible for the crash. As discussed above, many at-fault drivers either do not have insurance, or do not have adequate insurance to cover your losses. When meeting with the attorney, be prepared to discuss your own insurance coverage, such as whether you have underinsured motorist (UIM) or uninsured motorist (UM) coverage. Ideally, bring your policy with you.

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